Stone axe

美 [stoʊn æks]英 [stəʊn æks]
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Stone axeStone axe
  1. This stone axe is a relic of ancient times .


  2. Very basic warrior armed with a stone axe and small shield .


  3. Every technique human beings have invented , from the stone axe onwards , is " technology . "


  4. Artefacts dated Songze Culture including pottery stem cup , pot , cauldron , jade slotted ring and stone axe were yielded within the housing feature .


  5. Once on a rock-strewn slope of the eastern foothills of Helan Mountain , the writer of the present article happened on a stone axe which archaeologists later identified as an artifact of the Neolithic Age .


  6. If you want to buy a stuffed elk , a frog 's skeleton , a Goliath beetle as big as a fist , or a Stone Age axe head , where would you go ?


  7. Raman micro spectroanalysis was used to test and analysis micron dimension crystal grain of surface and cross section of New stone age in two ancient stone axe from Yunnan Chuxiong .
